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RB Docks
EcoRap Seawall
RB Living Shore
RB Seawalls
RB Submerged Breakwater for Beach & Erosion Control

If you are interested in Reef Ball Shoreline Habitats, first establish what type of shoreline habitat you wish to explore.

Reef Ball Living Shorelines are defined as shorelines that protect natural/native land water interfaces, where reef balls are used nearshore to ensure the stability of that interface. Typical examples are oyster reefs, reefs to protect marsh or seagrasses, mangrove planting projects or other native plantings.  These projects are usually built in the habitat zone of the animal or plant requiring the habitat.


This is different from Living Docks & Living Seawalls that integrate living components into a seawall. Typical examples are Reef Balls under your dock or Eco Rap living seawall modules in front of your seawall.  These projects are usually within 10 feet of the shoreline but can extend further out in shallow waters.


It is also different from Erosion control or Submerged Breakwaters used to protect beaches or human properties such as houses. Typical examples are several rows of Reef Balls parallel to a beach submerged just below the tideline and these projects are usually 10-500 feet from the shoreline sometimes further depending upon water depth and wave climate.


Living shorelines habitats are amongst the most productive habitats in our oceans and estuaries. They are literally where the sea meets the land.

© 2020 by Reef Ball Foundation 

Reef Ball Foundation

Tel 1-941-720-7549

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